The Best Time to Use Face Masks

Face masks are now becoming a necessity in our daily lives, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wearing a face mask is one of the ways that we can protect ourselves and others from the virus. However, is there a certain time that is best to use face masks? In this article, we will discuss the best times to use face masks.

When Should You Wear a Face Mask?

Before discussing the best times to use face masks, it is important to understand when we should be wearing them. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), we should wear a face mask in the following situations:

  • When physical distancing is not possible
  • When we are in public places
  • When we are in crowded areas
  • When we are visiting someone who is sick

It is also recommended to wear a face mask if we are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, such as coughing or sneezing.

The Best Times to Use Face Masks

Now that we know when we should be wearing face masks, let us discuss the best times to use them.

When Going Out in Public

One of the best times to use a face mask is when we are going out in public. This includes going to the grocery store, running errands, or going to work if we cannot work from home. These are situations where physical distancing may not be possible, so wearing a face mask can help protect us and others from the virus.

When Traveling on Public Transportation

If we are using public transportation, wearing a face mask is also recommended. This is because public transportation can be crowded and it may be difficult to maintain physical distancing. It is important to wear a face mask to protect ourselves and others from the virus.

When Visiting a Healthcare Facility

If we are visiting a healthcare facility, wearing a face mask is a must. This is because we may be in close contact with people who are sick and the risk of getting infected is higher. Wearing a face mask can help protect us from the virus.

When Visiting Someone Who is Sick

If we are visiting someone who is sick, wearing a face mask is also recommended. This is especially true for people who are vulnerable to the virus, such as the elderly or people with underlying medical conditions. Wearing a face mask can help prevent the spread of the virus and protect the vulnerable people around us.

When Participating in Outdoor Activities

If we are participating in outdoor activities, wearing a face mask may not be necessary if we can maintain physical distancing. However, if we are in a crowded outdoor area, it is recommended to wear a face mask to protect ourselves and others from the virus.

When Working in Close Proximity with Others

If we are working in close proximity with others, such as in a factory or construction site, wearing a face mask is also recommended. This is because it may be difficult to maintain physical distancing and the risk of getting infected is higher. Wearing a face mask can help protect us from the virus.


In conclusion, wearing a face mask is important to protect ourselves and others from the virus. The best times to use face masks are when we are in public places, using public transportation, visiting a healthcare facility, visiting someone who is sick, participating in outdoor activities in crowded areas, and working in close proximity with others. Remember to always wear a face mask and follow other preventive measures, such as washing your hands regularly and practicing physical distancing, to keep yourself and others safe.